Friday, May 4, 2007

Wiki Research / Viral dissemination of feeds and reading

Nils Peterson and I have frequently discussed ways to get people to understand and use RSS feeds and readers to manage information streams. Unfortunately, we have encountered challenges in getting adoption.

Theron DesRosier and I worked closely together when we rode the bus daily but not as much at a distance. So, Theron's decision to start a new blog gave me hope for new opportunties to renew our dialogs. I learned about Theron's blog from Nils' RSS feed. This "Email an item from Google Reader" tool seems like it can help encourage use of feeds and readers.

Sent to you by SC Spaeth via Google Reader:

Wiki for Original Research

via One small step for man by nils_peterson on Apr 19, 2007
In SOTLing: Open Research Wiki? Theron DesRosier asks about a wiki for publishing original research, noting that Wikipedia explicitly eschews it in its encyclopedic mission. Its an interesting question: what are the appropriate ways to get original research published? What mechanisms of peer review are desirable? How might publication be an invitation to collaboration? I struggled [...]

Things you can do from here:


SC Spaeth said...

Google makes it easy for me to send a link plus snippet of a post to someone and briefly explain why I think he/she would be interested in the post. But Google makes it powerful for our online community by adding useful links to the end of the message. The first link makes it easy for my collaborator to read the full context; the second to a broader view of the source of my recommendation; the third to easily subscribe to the feed if I already use Google Reader. Finally, Google makes it easy to start using Google Reader if they are persuaded by the usefulness of this form of collaboration.

I am curious to see whether these innovations will help people improve their information management.

SC Spaeth said...

In my attempts to share this development with Theron and Nils, I discovered a difference between RSS and Atom feeds. Something in the post prevents it from appearing in the Atom Feed for this blog. The RSS Feed delivers as intended. The html for the post contains lots of code from Google but I don't see the reason for the difference.