Friday, July 30, 2010

App Inventor for Android

Googlelabs have developed a new tool for learning and programming: App Inventor for Android. The programming interface is similar to that of Scratch 1.4 and has common roots.

They are inviting requests from users and educators to participate in Beta testing. I wrote this in my request:

Our student tech team members have been using Scratch 1.4 extensively and have produced increasingly interesting and elaborate games. They are so engaged with the experience, that they spend weekends and vacation time working on Projects.

They used the Scratch viewer for iPhone briefly until Apple pulled it from their App Store. I'm confident that they will transition to this new level of development without breaking stride!

Stephen Spaeth
Scratch Gallery:

I'm eager to see what they will do with this!


SC Spaeth said...

Still waiting for an invitation. While I wait for this and Gamestar Mechanic to get out of Beta, I decided to see if I can find a solution for text input. Tried both Swype and Dasher. It will take more time with each to make a vallid evaluation. This in the sentence above refers to the App Inventor.

SC Spaeth said...

One of the reasons I am so excited by this venue is that I saw 7th grade students truely engaged in applying ideas from math lessons. They were choosing to do the conceptual math necessary for developing games even when they could have chosen other activities.
App Inventor's hooks into the built-in sensors in Android phones (x-, y-, z-axis accelerometers, compass, pitch, roll and yaw, ...) seems like an incredible opportunity to engage and motivate kids in the "hard fun" of connecting academics to something they really want to do.