Monday, January 21, 2008

My MLK Day On

Last week, I wrote about the movement to make today's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day "A day on, not a day off". I knew that I wanted to participate but at the time, I did not know how. On Saturday evening, I met Billy P. and I discovered my way to celebrate Dr. King's life of service. I didn't meet Billy in person, rather I met him as the lead in the documentary film "Billy the Kid". Jennifer Venditti, the film's director, and her colleagues are screening the film in selected locations and filming Q&A sessions that may become part of the final release on DVD. They played to sold-out shows for the hometown fans.

Toward the end of the film (trailer), Billy says,
“I’m not black, I’m not white, not foreign … just different in the mind. Different brains, that’s all. I walk alone like a lonely soul, …”

So, today I'm spending my day on learning from Billy, Jennifer Venditti, and our community about our different selves.

BILLY THE KID - Public Service Announcement

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