The Capstone Pilot seeks to help develop and share Mt. Ararat High School's approach to capstone projects. Future students will be able to create better capstones if they can see some examples of strong capstone projects. The more we can document both the process and the final presentations, the better will will understand what we need to support all students to be able to learn from their capstone projects.
For example, you gave mini presentations for the video clips. Some describe closely what you plan to do while others indicate that you are still developing your ideas. We appreciate your willingness share developing ideas because that is part of the process. Your work is an important part of developing our understanding of MTA's Capstone!
The Capstone Committee has developed some resources to support Capstone projects and shared those at: . The document is a draft that will improve with your testing and suggestions for improvement. We also need places to develop and share our perspectives. Where would work best for you?
The link to the MTA Capstone 11 site listed above gives this summary of our next steps.
II. Guidelines
A. Each participant will draft a written proposal that addresses the following:
- Area of interest
- Extent and description of work
- Potential community partner(s)
- Specific timeline
- Goals ( connected to the four standards of the mission statement)
What progress are you making on this part of the Pilot?
The linked document also specifies that we use a shared spreadsheet in order to explore how to manage record keeping:
Time Log of Work:
I. Entered via a Google Spreadsheet which is shared to the school facilitator. This would help school facilitators to easily organize and manage the large amount of information.
This link to a Google form is one approach to collecting these logs. Alternatively each student can get a copy and manage an individual list.
Public version for students who choose not to use social media and others who may be interested in our development process.
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