Saturday, November 14, 2009

Opportunties to learn about offshore wind energy development

  • Jan 12-14 in Portland, ME The three-day event is free and open to all Maine companies with an interest in wind energy and opportunities for composites in emerging wind power markets. Renewable energy educators as well as international leaders in the composites industry will lead more than 15 sessions. Specific areas of focus during the conference include current industry technology; future market opportunities; design and manufacturing of composite materials for wind power; and installation, maintenance and repair of composite wind blades.

    tags: innovation, iteams, cluster

    • The University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center recently received an $8 million grant to develop and deploy three small-scale deepwater offshore wind turbines in the Gulf of Maine.
    • The three-day event is free and open to all Maine companies with an interest in wind energy and opportunities for composites in emerging wind power markets. Renewable energy educators as well as international leaders in the composites industry will lead more than 15 sessions. Specific areas of focus during the conference include current industry technology; future market opportunities; design and manufacturing of composite materials for wind power; and installation, maintenance and repair of composite wind blades.
    • Maine is already becoming a leader in research and development in the wind power market, especially in the area of offshore wind power.

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