Note the motivation for improvement and the public sharing of a well defined metric of improvement.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Precursors of the Open Hardware movement
The Open Hardware Movement has precedents that might help us to understand how to make the best use of Knowledge Commons:

Note the motivation for improvement and the public sharing of a well defined metric of improvement.
Note the motivation for improvement and the public sharing of a well defined metric of improvement.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sugar on an iBook
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Posting via Trisquel4.5 Sugar
I tried to take a photo and post it here. Captured the photo but lost it in the process of adding it here. Now, I'll try an intermediate save to see whether that helps.
Yes, that worked but getting text input back challenged me briefly. I needed to "Save Now" before I could enter text again. The problem seems to lie in hitting the "Done" button on the image upload tab. The browser seems to interpret that as a message to close the browser session rather than just close the tab and return to the original tab. Submit a bug report?
The photo question comes from the annual world-wide day of service originating in New Haven.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Posting from the Sugar Browser

TurtleArt Flower: nested repeats of a square.
Tony Forster regularly blogs about work he has done using Sugar. He shares that work at His work includes screen shots from Sugar. I wonder whether I am able to do similar work with my current install of Sugar (a Trisquel Virtual Machine running in VirtualBox). So, I am using this entry to test. I am able to add text and Blogger keeps my work.
Then, I tried to upload an image from the Sugar Journal. The browser let me select an image and previewed it. But, when I tried to submit the image to my Blogger picture-base, it threw me out of the Browser Activity and back into the Journal. I needed to sign in again and found that Blogger kept my text but did not add the image.
Now, I see that I have multiple tabs in the Sugar Browser and that I can return to editing my post before indicating that I am "Done." Blogger was able to successfully upload the image and integrate it into my post. Will have to learn what combination steps is required to reliably reproduce this process.
Friday, July 8, 2011
MTA Capstone Video: 11 Pilot Project Abstracts
I finished editing and adding the jazz audio track to the eleven students' presentations for the Capstone Assembly in May. These brief presentations were intended to help students understand the scope of Capstone projects and help them to choose which two of the sessions they wanted to see for the full presentations the following week.
I uploaded it to a personal account at Vimeo. Once things work well, I'll establish an institutional account so that school personnel can manage in the future.
I uploaded it to a personal account at Vimeo. Once things work well, I'll establish an institutional account so that school personnel can manage in the future.
MTA Capstone 2011 Pilot Projects from Stephen Spaeth on Vimeo.
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